First Ever Girls Youth Program

It’s almost five years since the establishment of The Deen Team and the focus of the organisation has primarily been on developing young men and boys. Over this period close onto 50 different programs were arranged for boys while the young girls waited patiently for their turn.

After recruiting a strong team of well-grounded and dynamic female volunteers, The Deen Team had created the capacity to launch for the latest edition to it’s operations.

Girls the wait is over!

With the mercy and generosity of Allah Ta’alla 6th of February 2021, marked a day that will forever be memorable. The Deen Team’s 1st ever muslim youth GIRLS program. The sisterhood was incomparable, the challenge and quiz was competitive, the presentation was enlightening and the young muslimah’s were excited and eager. We thank Allah SWT for allowing us to have witnessed this beautiful day with 40 beautiful muslimah’s – aged 11 to 17.

The morning was abuzz as the girls arrived at the Greenside Primary School Hall in Johannesburg, ready for a day filled with fun, skills, spirituality and friendship.
The Deen Team ensured that Covid-19 protocols were in place and the girls were advised to practice social distancing and keep their masks on throughout the program. It all began promptly at 10AM with a welcome and introduction followed by group formations and an overview of what the day entailed.
First up was the muslimah challenge – from a water bucket and rope challenge to a roti rolling and hijaab folding competition.
“The Muslimah Challenge was the highlight of the day, not only can i now roll a perfectly round roti, but I can do it in just 60 seconds” said one of the 13 year old participants. The girls were kept entertained throughout.

There was a break for salaah followed by a delicious meal to fill those hungry tummies, “the yummy cupcakes were an absolute treat” – said a 16 year old participant..
The girls were then addressed by Aalima Safoora Bhyat Vawda of Madrassah Rawdatul Ilm. Her enlightening and captivating words had the girls yearning to learn more of the life of mother of the believers – Aa’isha Siddiqa Radhiallahu Anha as well as motivating and informing the girls on topics such as self-love and acceptance – a very necessary topic in today’s times. The girls engaged with Aalima Safoora and raised their concerns as well as their views.

It doesn’t end there – the final item on the itinerary was an Islamic Quiz. An exciting final round saw 3 of the 8 teams battle it out for first place. Not only was it loads of fun, but everyone gained some new islamic knowledge and insight that would be embedded in them forever, InshaAllah.

All good must come to an end but all good should also be rewarded!
At the end of the day, there was a prize-giving, awarding awesome gifts, islamic books and certificates to the:
– Winning Team of the Muslimah Challenge
– The Winning Team of the Islamic Quiz and
– An Akhlaaq award was awarded to the team with the best Akhlaaq throughout the day.
It was a day jam-packed with activities and every attendee went home with a goodie bag filled with little informative flyers, a CD with uplifting lectures for youth by Mufti Zubair Bayat, as well as a rose to signify the beginning of a special relationship

Alhamdullilah, The Deen Team managed to reach the hearts and minds of the future of our ummah. It goes to show that our youth have potential for greatness and are thirsty for platforms that grow them spiritually in a fun setting. It is up to us to put in the effort to quench their thirst. 

To the rest of the precious muslimah’s out there: this was most definitely the 1st of many more to come, so keep an eye out on our social media platforms for the upcoming events from The Deen Team for girls and boys, InshaAllah.

~ Radiyah Jassat (Volunteer for The Deen Team)

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