Joburg based Muslim youth development group The Deen Team hosted aspiring tech-savvy teenagers in a two-day App Development and coding boot camp in Johannesburg recently.
Fifty teenage boys and girls from different parts of the country travelled to Johannesburg for this educational event. By the end of the weekend each participant creating a fully functional and ready to use App.
Learners were given lessons and tutorials on how to design, build, debug and test an actual mobile application and code in the languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Head of The Deen Team, the non-profit youth development organisation Moulana Shaakir Bhyat, said, “Skills development is an important facet of the work that we do, we hope that our youth will learn these valuable skills so that they can contribute to society in a meaningful way.”
The head instructor for boot camp was Moulana Bilal Kathrada who is a software engineer, an award winning app developer and an Islamic scholar. With this background, he was actually able to give the participants a “best of both worlds” outlook on Coding and App development.
“Muslims in the golden ages had been forefront of development and innovation. We aspire to train our youth spiritually and up skill them to the level that the next generation lives up to the legacy of our glorious passed.” Bhyat added.
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