Dear Parent,

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh.

As part of giving our youth a holistic upbringing from an educational, spiritual and developmental perspective, the natural environment together with good, wholesome activities play an important role. The outdoor ‘classroom’ is said to be one of the most effective ways in which to empower learners with valuable tools prescribed by Islam such as respect, self-confidence, self-esteem and teamwork.

Our vision is to make learning these life skills an active experience which is fun, engaging and guided by a sound Islamic ethos. In doing so, we make use of various venues to provide your child with an opportunity to develop, inculcate true Islamic values, build friendships and create memories that will last a lifetime. Each activity on our course is carefully selected to meet our objectives. All our activities are then packaged into a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

It gives us great pleasure to provide you with details of our next youth camp:

Specific details of the course are given below:

Who can attend?Girls only age 11 – 17 

Date: 25 June 2022


R250 per person

(includes meals & all activities)

Payment can be made by EFT

 Venue: Greenside Primary School
Vardon Road, Greenside
Johannesburg 2193

Should your child wish to attend this course, he needs to take the following actions:


1.     Fill out the online form completely

2.     Do an EFT of R250 to our account

3.     Email proof of payment to


Al Barakah Fordsburg

The Deen Team

Acc number: 78600180252

Branch code 800000

Reference: Participants name

Please note that places are limited and participants will only be confirmed on the course once both, the proof of payment and online registration form is received and you receive a Whatsapp message  of confirmation from us . We will be allocating places on a first come first serve basis. We encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment.

Should you or your child have any further queries, please feel free to contact Hafiz Shaakir Bhyat  on 082 872 0789 or Sister R Bhyat on 061 440 8235. We look forward to welcoming your child on the course. Shukran!